vrijdag 22 februari 2008

Why did I make that call?

In a tourney the other night I made what to one person in the tournament seemed to be a bullshit call and made him very angry....

I raised preflop with a pair of 7's I had 2 callers after me, but I was left in position for the next round. The flop came down

6 10 10

player first to act checked.... and player 2 went immediately all in.

Now player 2 had been playing almost every pot and was a bit shortstacked and I believe if he had a 10 in his hand he would have checked to me in order to make me bet out and then come over the top of me in order to maximise his winnings. I therefore gave him a range of hands (although I was later proved to be a bit out)and judging by what he had played earlier, he played almost any suited cards and low suited connectors and almost any Ace... he was a bad calling station and fancied himself as a bluffer. (only using all in as a bluff all the time, is RISKY)

The range of hands I then gave him seeing as he called a preflop raise (3 x bb) was as follows

A 6 suited, K Q (probably suited), maybe even KJ, A 10, A J, or even A Q or unlikely AK.

After pressing my time button and having a good think about it, I made the call with my pocket 7's.

He had 6 4 spades... he had paired his 6 and moved all in on the flop with a paired board to a preflop raiser, STUPID. he shouldn't have even been calling out of position with a stupid hand like that.

He was FURIOUS, saying it was a bullshit call but I believe if he thought about it he would have realise his bet just showed he was trying to scare and his history allowed me to put him on a range of hands plus if I lost I still would have been left with chips to play.

The turn and river were blanks and I knocked him out of the tournament and gained an extra 800 chips or so. If I had lost, I still would have had about 1000 chips left to carry on and play.

So there is my reasoning behind my odd call on a paired board in a single table sit and go, which I went on to win.

Fortune favours the brave as they say!!

donderdag 21 februari 2008

Keeping track.... Pokerdominator

One of the main principles of making a profit in poker lies not in the poker itself but another completely different discipline.. keeping track of your outgoings, your losses and your winnings.

Being able to do this is what makes the difference between a losing player and a winnng player as you can keep track of where you make the most money, where your holes are and how much you have in your bank roll and adjust accordingly. I have come to realise through this that I make the most money on single table sit and go's on pokerstars, so I can now concentrate on playing and crushing those!

There are all sorts of programs to allow you to do this available and most of the cost money but I have recently signed up to Poker Dominator and I reccomend that you do too if you want to keep track of your playing statistics.. it allows you to track of your play, your winnings and monitor your bankroll plus publish graphs and charts about your play... all for free.

It does require you to set some things up like prefered poker room and input sessions manually, but it is very useful and it has changed my perspective of my onlin epoekr life. and I HIGHLY reccomend it. It also includes fee odds calculators and hand helpers to help improve your game.

I am placing a link on the right hand side and really do reccomend you spend some time setting up an account and inputting your data into Poker Dominator.

woensdag 20 februari 2008

Last nights online poker!!

So last night was a bit up and down, managed to cash in a big tourney even if it was for a measly extra 60 cents... above my 1 dollar buy in., it will pay off soon though, gonna hit that final table. :

PokerStars Tournament #77444140, No Limit Hold'em
Buy-In: $1.00/$0.10
2332 players
Total Prize Pool: $2332.00
Tournament started - 2008/02/19 - 11:00:00 (ET)

Dear Tenakalaz,

You finished the tournament in 380th place.
A $1.86 award has been credited to your Real Money account.

This is a tournament I try to do everyday because of the cheap buy in but high rewards if you can reach the final table!!! you can win hundreds of dollars for a 1 dollar buy in.

Also manged a few wins, losses and cashes on the 5 dollar sit and go's

PokerStars Tournament #77957551, No Limit Hold'em
Buy-In: $5.00/$0.50
9 players
Total Prize Pool: $45.00
Tournament started - 2008/02/19 - 13:48:39 (ET)

Dear Tenakalaz,

You finished the tournament in 2nd place.
A $13.50 award has been credited to your Real Money account.

Thank you for participating.

PokerStars Tournament #77964376, No Limit Hold'em
Buy-In: $5.00/$0.50
9 players
Total Prize Pool: $45.00
Tournament started - 2008/02/19 - 15:06:10 (ET)

Dear Tenakalaz,

You finished the tournament in 1st place.
A $22.50 award has been credited to your Real Money account.

Thank you for participating.

Ended up breaking even for the night after getting donked in 3/4 other tournaments..

But to be fair I think I ahve my 9 man SNG strategy pretty tight now and feel I can comfortably make profit int he long run by sticking to it and watching my bankroll management!

Gonna hit the big 1 dollar tourney again tonight (25000 players rougly) and then abotu 3 9 man SNG's.

See you all friday will keep you all posted on any big progress.

Preflop odds (FOR BEEBS)

I was asked for the preflop odds so here we go, because it is such a huge list, I have linked to a site which has quite a comrehensive preflop chart with almost everyhand in it....

Preflop odds chart

good luck reading it, its quite the mind bender!!!

Have fun guys!


dinsdag 19 februari 2008

Odds and calculations.

After my poker test let me know that my odd calculations were off by quite a bit, I have decided to go back and check out where I was going wrong and thought I would share that with you guys...

So here is some useful information that you might want to take a look at, I will post it in the side bar as an image you can all download!

Preflop drawing hand odds

Happy reading!

maandag 18 februari 2008

Sit and Go training.

RIck Braddy makes these videos I believe... they are also available for free on itunes in the podcast section for those of you with an ipod, nice take for in the train and stuff!!

But anyway, the rest of the parts are in the right hand column of youtube for you to watch and I reccomend it. Like I said before I personally find that he is a bit passive int he middle stages but a lot of his tips are very useful. Myself, I like to steal a bit more as the play gets towards the bubble and make use of the scared money as people try to hold onto their stacks to make the money.

Remember TIGHT IS RIGHT especially early on, when the blinds are 10/20 they are not worth stealing and hands like J 10, Q 10, K 10, even A 10 and A J are just not worth the risk of playing. for those first few levels stick to AA, KK, QQ, JJ,AK, AQ suited at a REAL stretch 10 10, and 9 9 (in later positions only) early position with raises and reraises ahead of you, you NEED to throw hands like A J, 99, 88, and below in the BIN. don't trap yourself and get committed with those pocket 3's and get knocked out in the first 40 hands of a tourney, its not worth it.

But anyway, here is the video and I reccomend anyone watch it as it has some useful info, but don't forget to bring your own style to the table, only you can play like you!

Click on the video to be taken to the youtube page for these videos and you will find the rest of the series in the right hand column. On Itunes it is in 2 parts, but here I think it is split into 6/7 pieces.

Here is a link to his channel : Rick Braddy

My pokertest score

Anyone who feels that they want to can post their pokertest score on here.

I have some holes in my odds game apaprently that I need to work on, and I am pretty happy with the rest, my odds play was weak under 50% but the rest all over 80, so I need to hit the books and restudy my odds as I thought I was doing a bit better there, I think that I know what my problem was though in the test.

anyway here is my test score, not for bragging rights but for us to discuss and see what we can learn from it.

Texas Hold’em Poker Skill Test
Results for: David Lazarus

Score Meaning :Improvement Needed

Your Overall Rating

Your overall score is a good indication of how well-rounded your game is likely to be, based on your poker skills. Of course, how well you do will also depend on the skills of those you're up against and your overall experience in various situations. Your overall score is calculated from the combination of your individual skills scores (details below).

Overall Score: 84.6 %

I will post a link to the HTML table showing my gaping hole in the odds play chart shortly, once I get it sorted to post!

Improving your game!

Here is a little link to nice pokertester, this guy also has a couple of sit and go podcasts on itunes that are worth watching.

My only issue with his style is that he could be a little more agressive in the middle stages of the game as I found him quite passive until headsup.. which is just his style I suppose.

I prefer to use the bubble to scare people off hands and steal more, but then thats just how I play, I like to turn up the agression around the bubble of any tourney, MTT or S&G.

Its worth registeren and taking the test just to see how you are doing and compare yourself, but if you don't score to great remember many hands are relative and a test can only present certain situations not realted to you playing style. But it is handy to assess how you would habdle certain situations.

Poker Tester

Bankroll management

1. Tounaments - Never buy into a tournament for anything more than 2% of Entire Bankroll. (so $1.20 dollar tourneys only)

2. Cash Games - Never buy in for anymore than 5% of my bankroll (still playing at around 2%)

3. Cash Games - If during a cash game I reach 10% of my total bankroll then I must logg out (approx triple my buy in) and buy in for the same 2% at another table.

4. Buy in limits per day - I allowed myself 2 tournaments and 2 cash table buyins for one session. If I lost them I had to stop playing until the next session (the following day mainly)

5. Never chase a loss. The two cash table buyins can be used on the same table (especially after a abd beat and am not tilting) but if that buy in is lost then you must log out and not play cash tables again until next session

6. Set ranges for increasing my stakes and reward wins. I am currently forcing myself to stay at certain limits where I am confortable winning, I will not go up to higher limits until I have reached various stages of my bank roll. The next stage being 200 dollars. Then I will double up the buy ins that I am currently spending to $2.20 SNG's and the odd $5 SNG's now and again as a reward for winning tournaments.

Donkey Fish Training is Here!!!

So guys!

In addition to our usual homegame site, I have decided to expand our little empire to include some training and useful information for those of us who want to improve our game, this will include tips, videos and strategies for us all to improve our game.

So if you have something that works for you or some tips that you would liek to share about your style our even your observations on one of the Donkeyfish team players that you would liek to share then this can be the place to do it.

Over the coming week I will be expanding this site with more and more of the information that I read and study to help me improve my game.

This goes for everything but I think there will be a focus on a lot of online play.

If you want to put anything in here then please feel free to do so throught he email link I will be providing through the poker email I will send this week!! But to start us off I am going to repost my online bankroll management info and a nice movie or to to study!

Good luck at the tables guys!!!