maandag 18 februari 2008

Donkey Fish Training is Here!!!

So guys!

In addition to our usual homegame site, I have decided to expand our little empire to include some training and useful information for those of us who want to improve our game, this will include tips, videos and strategies for us all to improve our game.

So if you have something that works for you or some tips that you would liek to share about your style our even your observations on one of the Donkeyfish team players that you would liek to share then this can be the place to do it.

Over the coming week I will be expanding this site with more and more of the information that I read and study to help me improve my game.

This goes for everything but I think there will be a focus on a lot of online play.

If you want to put anything in here then please feel free to do so throught he email link I will be providing through the poker email I will send this week!! But to start us off I am going to repost my online bankroll management info and a nice movie or to to study!

Good luck at the tables guys!!!

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