vrijdag 22 februari 2008

Why did I make that call?

In a tourney the other night I made what to one person in the tournament seemed to be a bullshit call and made him very angry....

I raised preflop with a pair of 7's I had 2 callers after me, but I was left in position for the next round. The flop came down

6 10 10

player first to act checked.... and player 2 went immediately all in.

Now player 2 had been playing almost every pot and was a bit shortstacked and I believe if he had a 10 in his hand he would have checked to me in order to make me bet out and then come over the top of me in order to maximise his winnings. I therefore gave him a range of hands (although I was later proved to be a bit out)and judging by what he had played earlier, he played almost any suited cards and low suited connectors and almost any Ace... he was a bad calling station and fancied himself as a bluffer. (only using all in as a bluff all the time, is RISKY)

The range of hands I then gave him seeing as he called a preflop raise (3 x bb) was as follows

A 6 suited, K Q (probably suited), maybe even KJ, A 10, A J, or even A Q or unlikely AK.

After pressing my time button and having a good think about it, I made the call with my pocket 7's.

He had 6 4 spades... he had paired his 6 and moved all in on the flop with a paired board to a preflop raiser, STUPID. he shouldn't have even been calling out of position with a stupid hand like that.

He was FURIOUS, saying it was a bullshit call but I believe if he thought about it he would have realise his bet just showed he was trying to scare and his history allowed me to put him on a range of hands plus if I lost I still would have been left with chips to play.

The turn and river were blanks and I knocked him out of the tournament and gained an extra 800 chips or so. If I had lost, I still would have had about 1000 chips left to carry on and play.

So there is my reasoning behind my odd call on a paired board in a single table sit and go, which I went on to win.

Fortune favours the brave as they say!!

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